Every day, individuals across New Jersey buy and sell cars. Sometimes they buy from a dealer; sometimes they buy from an individual. Most of the time, these transactions require some form of financing; sometimes they are cash transactions. In all cases, however, the title is transferred to the new owner and filed with the proper agency. The need for a criminal defense in any part of this normal, everyday occurrence is not readily apparent.
Unfortunately, individuals sometimes make decisions that appear to be a good idea at the time; however, this later proves to be untrue. Recently, several New Jersey residents were arrested and charged with conspiracy, identity theft, forgery and tampering with public records. These charges are the result of car sale activities that they were involved in over a four year time period.
According to investigators, these individuals would either purchase a vehicle or have someone else purchase the vehicle by obtaining financing for the transaction. Then, the new owner of the vehicle would resell it. Since the original transaction was financed, the lien was recorded. However, officers claim that these individuals would then forge documents, stating that the vehicle was clear of the lien.
While all of the details surrounding these transactions are not clear, it is clear that each of these individuals will need to present a criminal defense before a New Jersey court. As a part of the process, numerous questions regarding exactly what happened and how will need to be answered. Each defendant charged with regard to the targeted car sale activities is likely working with experienced legal counsel to protect individual interests and pursue the best attainable result.
Source: northjersey.com, “Bloomfield woman one of five indicted in theft schemes“, Kaitlyn Kanzler, June 29, 2017
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